"Someone that I’d like to thank is Alaya Ketani. A few months back Alaya showed up with her own amazing skill set as a housing advocate and mediated some very important discussions with my landlords. Without her amazing skills and compassionate presence, I would not have such a happy, healthy home now to enjoy and to support with my own labors. Thank you Alaya! I hope other people in the community will benefit from your counseling skills and knowledge of housing rights in the future. You were a Goddess-Sent ally and I appreciate you so much!"

- Sommer Fawn Moselle, Ashland, Oregon

"I was really touched by your compassion and generosity. You have a special gift that you share in your work with your clients. Thank you very much."

- D.A., Medford, Oregon

"You are such a soothing voice of Love ❤️ Hope 🙏and Confidence💪 I feel quite comfortable sharing myself with you and your amazing ability to listen, understand, and advise me on my journey. I really am happy I found you. You are a beautiful soul. Just an update things are going really well for me. I am loving my new job, my new home is awesome and friends and family are supportive. I am dating and in a very much better place than I was 3 months ago! I actually went and hung out at the beach two months ago and I totally experienced that hypnosis session we went through! …about being at the beach and seeing that woman (me)walk confidently across the beach making eye contact with the (fractured me )and she was happy and successful and full of love and life. I continue to keep myself open to the universe and work on myself a little each day. I am strong confident and happier than I’ve been in a long time. Thank you so much for what you did for me. I speak about you to friends and family and will always recommend you to anyone who is in need of spiritual or Traumatic healing. ☪️☮️💟✌️"

- Virgina Simon, Rogue Valley, Oregon

"Alaya Ketani helped me to learn more about my inner being in a safe, nurturing environment. She is gentle and caring, yet strong and effective. I would recommend her to anyone interested in trying hypnosis. My dream is to spend a lot more time with Alaya, peeking into my soul."

- P.L. Ashland, Oregon

"To all of you out there that may come across this testimonial, it is probably because you are looking for help of some type. I happened across Alaya on a search of the internet during a time where I had given up hope. In a 2 year period, I lost my family due to divorce, lost my 6 figure job due to a layoff, and had a heart attack at age 48. I also ran into some legal trouble as a result of my divorce and had fallen as low as I could have ever imagined. I was desperate and if I hadn’t given up, I was very close. To put it simply, this wonderful lady saved my life. Her kindness, gentle nature, and positive approach to life is so very wonderful. She has given me hope and the ability to cope that was completely lost. Alaya is a gift to the world and if you are reading this, and truly want help, call her. It will be the best decision you ever make. Thank you for everything Alaya. You are a wonderful, beautiful person. You are incredible."

- Danny Dugan, Medford, Oregon

"I found Alaya at a really low point this past year. I have struggled with anxiety and a phobia of driving for years. Things felt out of my control, and Alaya really brought hope back for me. Unlike other talk and hypnosis therapists, I felt at ease with her. I always left feeling more positive and with a lighter heart. She truly understands what it’s like to be down and out and by sharing her own experiences and relating them to your own, it just makes the experience all the more genuine. She gave me exercises to work on between sessions, and I loved that I had direction in my journey. I feel more at ease again with the anxiety and my driving. Alaya is kind and compassionate. I am honored to have met and worked with her."

- C.R., Talent, Oregon

"I found Alaya indirectly through watching Dr. Oz. I wanted to change my relationship with food and try to slim down a bit. Through our sessions I now look at food differently. I have total power over the relationship now. I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of this change – being able to draw strength from a very special place I go mentally when I am challenged. Thank you so much!"

- Diane Guthrie, Roseburg, Oregon

"I don’t know where you came from, but I think you must be my Angel. I had my other knee replaced a few years ago, and this time I was so much more calm throughout the entire thing. I also felt much less pain than I did with the other knee replacement. I give the credit to you and your help for this. Your presence before and immediately after surgery, as well as in the rehab center, kept me so relaxed ~ I was amazed. I am very grateful, I have been telling everyone about you. Thank you so much."

- A.J., Medford, Oregon

"I could not have reached the state of health and happiness that I have today without Alaya’s help. It has allowed me to continue my life with a better sense of direction and inner strength. Best Thoughts."

- D.F., Ashland, Oregon

"Thank you so much for taking great care of my patients. It feels so good to have you here in my medical office."

- Dr. Kristin Plunkett N.P., Naturopathic Medicine Clinic, Grants Pass, OR.

“I could not have reached the state of health and happiness that I have today without Alaya’s help. It has allowed me to continue my life with a better sense of direction and inner strength. Best Thoughts”

- D.F., Ashland, Oregon

"I have had sessions with Alaya Ketani for close to two years. I realize now that I came to her because I was looking at my mind and how I had constructed it, and I realized that it needed deconstruction and rebuilding. I seemed to be in a helpless loop, and wanted to feel good about myself, my life, and to be happy. Everyone that I went to for help wanted to rebuild my mind with their ideas, thoughts, and judgments ~ until I found Alaya. I don’t remember a single time when Alaya did not listen to everything that I needed to say, and I found that I could completely trust that she was not inserting her own personal agenda in my process. I found her to be a safe and trustworthy reflection. She challenged me with feedback and homework that was more about allowing me to look deeply within for the answers and direction that felt true for me. I went from dreading the next day to now awakening each morning and going to sleep each night with great peace and calm. I am very grateful for my time with Alaya."

- John Tellecky, Medford, Oregon

"Hello Team Frank 😃 Want to share the news about my round today on the golf course. First, the scorecard result: 82. Best of the summer and, I think, of the year. Second, the mental result: stayed true to my new routine with practice swings, did very little thinking in the playing box, made several bad swings, but forgot them and followed up each with a solid routine on the next swing. Third: was paired with probably my least favorite partner, but today that was a non-factor in how I approached the round. In fact, as a team, we came in second net and third gross in our flight. That’s the first time I finished “in the money” in a one man game or a two man game (today was a two man best ball) this year. Fourth: even though my nemesis hole, the twelfth, jumped up and bit me again with a double bogey, it was my only double of the day and just a bump in the road. I finished one over for the rest of the round, including a birdie on number 14, the toughest par three. Fifth and most importantly: I had fun the entire round. What a concept! Thank you for your support, advice, and instruction. I believe I am on my way to a healthier and happier relationship with the game, and with myself too. I look forward to seeing you again."

- Frank Eckerd, Medford, Oregon

"I sought assistance from Alaya to overcome my fear of flying, as my work was requiring frequent travel – sometimes to Asia. The sessions themselves were very relaxing and brought me a sweet sense of peace, innocence, and inspiration that reminded me of childhood. And after a couple of sessions I found myself much calmer during my next flight!"

- A.M., Ashland, Oregon

"Golfers and Coaching Professionals: I have collaborated with Alaya Ketani in my professional coaching by referring clients to her for help and support in the mental aspect of their golf game. Her extensive expertise in multiple branches of Hypnosis and Neuroscience adds a valuable element to lasting change in client's games. One client noted that he had the best round of his entire year after Alaya and I both worked with him for a brief period. Another client continues to see Alaya because he's seen excellent results - not only in his golf game but also in significantly improving his overall mental and physical well being. Alaya strives to provide benefits for her clients, which are as she likes to say: "Always valuable on the course and beyond." I endorse Alaya's work with golfers, and highly recommend coaches and players to invite her and her extensive knowledge into your golf game. You'll see for yourself why her skills are a valuable asset."

- R. Bruce Wilkins, PGA Teaching Professional

"We had 3 “quit nicotine” hypnosis sessions this year and I enjoyed them, but didn’t think much changed for me. I did quit, but I’ve quit so many times. It has been over 6 months now since our last session and I have had a revelation. I have been quitting nicotine for 30 years and no matter how long I’ve quit, or how committed I am to quitting, I know the feeling of a constant, quiet, subconscious, craving. Whether I fight it or succumb to it, it has always existed… until now. I now have no craving. None. It’s weird. Like never wanting ice cream. Ever. Weird. The only difference between every other failed attempt to quit nicotine and my present success, is you. ​ I truly believe that whatever you did, substantively changed my craving machine. I have been in a crazy stressful job for 2 months where I normally either struggle with nicotine daily, or succumb to the craving. There has been absolutely no temptation. I feel great and I am so grateful to you and I just wanted to let you know that you are appreciated."

- Jim Falkenstein, Los Angeles, California

"I’m doing great! You know I can’t thank you, Alaya, enough for helping me. The issue that I was struggling with is no longer an issue thanks to you. I would love to get more sessions with you in Ashland soon."

- Y.B., Los Angeles, California

"From one shining star to another! Alot has happened for me, and all in a good positive direction! I find myself thinking thinking about you at least once a week when the work that we did together comes in handy. I smile to myself knowing that I have a secret tool to use in my daily work life. Your therapy treatments continue to get me through some tough exams. I have used the foot tap technique several times and successfully gone beyond my initial reaction every time. I graduated with honors and now work at the same super quality hospital that I did for my externship! Thank you so much for believing in me and sharing your gifts and talents with me."

- Erica Hardin, Missoula, Montana

If you have a crippling fear of flying and need help, contact Alaya now. She’s a true miracle worker. She’s skilled, compassionate, and radiates a warmth that immediately put me at ease. Before we met, I had such severe anxiety about flying that I couldn’t board a plane without having a full-blown panic attack. The last time I flew, I was almost removed from the plane by the flight attendants because I was shaking uncontrollably and hyperventilating before takeoff. I would obsess about any upcoming flight for months in advance, and the fear would keep me up night after night. Alcohol and Xanax didn’t help one bit. Finally, I decided to see if hypnosis would work. I was initially skeptical about the process but I’m so glad I did it. I met with Alaya for 6 weeks and practiced the techniques she taught me at home daily. Yesterday, I returned from a family vacation with my husband and two toddlers, who had never flown before. The trip required 4 flights round trip, the longest of which was 6 hours. I’m overjoyed to report that while I still felt just a little anxious, I never had a panic attack. Hooray! I feel confident that I can fly now without crippling fear. It has opened up an entire world of possibility for me, quite literally. Thank you, Alaya, for your help and guidance! I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to work with you. You’ve changed my life.

Lauren Montgomery

Access The Full Power Of Your Mind.

Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.