There is a home base within each of us, our center. This is the place of peace, clarity, wisdom, guidance, and comfort. It is our sanctuary during times of challenge and with the temporary shifts of all things, if we develop it as our true home.
In just a few weeks is my Birthday. I have usually loved my birthday. I make a big deal of it for the entire month. I tell people in stores, restaurants, and even at business events. It's fun to honor myself in this way given that I work so much all throughout the year. I see private clients, and I am the primary worker for my nonprofit Keeping All Women Safe. Few know that I'm also a licensed life insurance agent. Plus I'm preparing to launch a big new project for Women in 2025. It's a full load I carry along with taking care of myself, which is a top priority.
This year I was shown again how plans don't always go according to plan. I made a plan to treat myself in certain ways on my birthday. But then costs came in for my car that were much more than expected, and for businesses, and my health. I'm reminded that I need to remain flexible, because it may be a different version of a birthday than I had envisioned. And that's okay, because it has to be okay and I prefer Peace rather than suffering.
Navigating life skillfully means being able to adapt to whatever circumstances arise, even ones that we don't prefer. Sometimes it seems as though our patience is always being tested, although I don't believe it's a test - more of a practice in further refinding life and character skills. Sometimes we have to dig more deeply than we knew before, or keep persevering when it feels like we can't anymore. Many people face extreme challenges, and without practice the ability to adapt, remain flexible, and stay true to ourselves amidst turmoil or challenge.
There is a home base within each of us, our center. This is the place of peace, clarity, wisdom, guidance, and comfort. It is our sanctuary, our refuge, if we develop it and practice our identification with it as our true home. With hypnosis, the shift in brain waves to theta state allows you to experience this sanctuary, and once you have you will want to practice dwelling in it more and more.
The other life saving practice is to practise right relationship to our thoughts. When the content of our thoughts do not dictate our state of mind or being, when we recognize that thoughts are simply neurons firing and they hold no power over us except what we allow, then life's adaptations become more manageable. As the Buddhist Lamas I know say, all is workable.
When we understand the temporary nature of all things, we begin to flow in our own natural rhythm and remain in the moment. We can still envision and create what we are needing, yet the temporary nature of life may change all of it. We live, walk, speak, and breathe in the truth of what we are - at home in our center, our Sanctuary. Peace is the underlying state that remains, also known as Equinimity - the state that is unchanged by external factors.
Learning to navigate life skillfully is essential for everyone, and using Hypnosis and the many other approaches I utilize, goes directly to how we are designed. This is why it's so effective. Talking only uses 5% of the storehouse in which all thoughts, choices, and behaviors stem. Why not address the 95% first!
No matter where you are residing, you can experience this work online with me. It's very effective. Or if you prefer, we can hold sessions in my Ashland or Grants Pass office.
I wish you Loving and Peaceful Holiday Greetings. And a Happy Birthday to myself.
May we remain flexible, adapt easily, and live skillfully from our Center in our natural rhythm and flow - our state of Peace.
Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.