Practising the return to your center and finding a few moments to rest, renew, and realign can be the very thing that keeps you focused on driving, on healthy choices, and peace within. Hypnosis imprints this skill-building practice, and you find your life changing even amidst turmoil.
Sometimes circumstances are challenging for us personally and collectively.
This time of year with the threat and existence of uprising fires, it can beextremely upsetting to most of us. Those of us who have lost everything in disasters, and those who have not and fear for safety for themself and their family... and all. Many of us feel we can't be outside as we want, windows closed, isolation.
We feel the trauma and tension all around us. Those of us who are solo, and/or senior, with kiddos and animals, perhaps we wonder if anyone will remember us. We are all together in this. It's understandable that our energy may be different and more reactive. I'm with you.
My refuge is the place of peace within, my home base and the practices I've been doing for years to return to my center and realign, reset, and renew. In this way, I experience peace again and again throughout my days.
My Hope for our community lies in us coming together in this crisis ~ yes crisis even though we may not be in a fire or other natural disaster right now. It's not reasonable nor easy to be in these circumstances, or sometimes every day life. I feel it when any one of us are in trouble. I feel it and my Heart hurts alot.
In our session work together we imprint this practise into the subconscious, which is the driver to 95% of our thoughts and behaviors. Even though the circumstances may be challenging, we each react in varying degrees due to our life experience and subconscious activations. You can become an expert at refocusing your attention to establish a state of peace and return to it repeatedly. When change is created through the subconscious and the associated patterns are addressed, sustainable change is possible. Peace is possible.
Let's come together. Be supportive. Focus on how we can be extra patient and loving... even for awhile. Finding that impossible? Perhaps it's because you're lost your center of peace. The key to maintaining our center of peace and alignment is to watch our thoughts rather than be engulfed in them. Are they presenting terrorizing scenarios? Trying to prepare you with obsessive thoughts when you've done all you can? Find yourself snapping at people, your partner and kids?
It's time to practice returning to your center repeatedly throughout the day. Whatever we practice, we gain skill. Returning to one's center of peace, imaging a beautiful scene in nature that brings you comfort, feeling the love of a special friend, all these things are good uses of your imagination and can help you to reset so that the tension doesn't become overwhelming. Practising the return to your center and finding a few moments to rest, renew, and realign can be the very thing that keeps you focused on driving, on healthy choices, and peace within. Experiment for one week and see the difference it makes.
I offer a free phone consultation for all my new clients. In it, we'll discuss your challenge and your goals. We'll schedule your Intake Session, where we'll review in much more detail what's happening for you. I'll then be able to discern the best ways to help you.
My expertise holds five forms of Hypnosis, Neuroscience, NLP, Energy Systems, and several other approaches. This is a unique combination of sklils that I offer my clients. Ask about my current special promotional rates, and commit to your own Peace. The time is Now.
I send everyone Much Love. 💜
Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.