The Trance of the Holiday Season, A Bardo

The holiday season brings excitement to many, busyness to most, loneliness to others. If we really tune in, most everyone will find an increased level of stress accompanying whatever the other emotions we're feeling. It seems as though there's more urgent traffic, stores are crowded, the pull to keep buying is present even though we know that we've already spent too much, and maybe we have travel plans or family visiting. There's a lot of Pressure. All of this may seem exciting now, however it's wearing on our bodies and energy. January is coming, and we can feel very let down, empty, and even overwhelmed because we were caught in the flurry of a trance that wasn't that good for us though it might have seemed necessary at the time.

Life As A Trance, Wake-Up To Your True Self With Hypnotherapy

People are in trances every day through the moments of the day, and the holiday season is a giant trance. We are compelled to do things that ordinarily we would have more common sense about and though it seems fun at the time, and we often say we love this time of year, January shows the toil it took on our health and our finances. We often wonder in January "why did I spend all that money?" or "Why did I run myself down so far that now I'm exhausted and overwhelmed?"

The Buddhist teachings use the term "Bardo" for the zone, the dream, that space that we are currently in with the phenomena happening - though it is temporary. Another dream, zone, bardo, or trance will replace it.

All Of Life Is Our Projections, Our Mind Is A Program

How well do we recognize this as a dream - a projection of our own thoughts - a temporary phenomena that may have it's own compulsions, energies, and emotions?

All of life appears as our own projections. How we see and experience others, an incident or circumstance, an illness or relationships - these are all experienced through our own mind as projections of the content there, and then projected onto the individual, situation, or phenomena present. By practicing the recognition that all things are projections of one's own mind, we can better maintain a state of peace even while engaging in travel, visitors, busy stores, and special traditions during this holiday season. Knowing that our mind is the sum product of the programs in it, like a computer, helps us to better understand ourselves and others.

Successful Change with Hypnosis, Ashland - Grants Pass - Bandon - Globally

The programming in our mind can be changed. Modern science tells us that 95% of all thoughts and behaviors are sourced in the subconscious, so it's at the subconscious level with Hypnosis and other Mind/Energy Systems that we make those changes effectively and sustainably in our session work together. Trauma can be healed. Healing accelerated. Pain eased or even eliminated. Habits and patterns successfully transformed. Relational difficulties shifted.

Perhaps you've tried other forms of work and found it unsuccessful in bringing you all the way to your goals and the lasting change you need. It's the Subconscious that needs direct focus, as we do together in many ways.

The Mayo Clinic, Psychiatric Association, and American Medical Association all endorsed Hypnosis as highly effective conplimentary approach for many medical conditions.

You Can Be Successful With Hypnotherapy, Sessions in the Rogue Valley

Being successful feels great, and you can be when you go directly to the source where change is made. Make this year the year for your success! In office sessions in Ashland, Grants Pass, Bandon, and globally online.

Access The Full Power Of Your Mind.

Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.