Someone once said to me "This life has teeth." I was struck by that statement. I understand how life can be experienced with that feeling.
Original Publish Date: July 19, 2018
Someone once said to me "This life has teeth." I was struck by that statement. I understand how life can be experienced with that feeling. I know, however, that we hold the capacity to create a life that is meaningfully happy and healthy. I'm not talking constant "bliss;" I'm talking learning how to tune in and experience our authentic rhythm and flow with the challenges and the peace, the times we'd prefer to be different and the joy. Becoming Empowered allows us to not be taken from our Center by any of it. I survived catastrophe more than once by fine tuning the skills required time after time.
All of life has a created rhythm and flow, like a beautiful dance... like a tango actually. Tango is a highly refined energetic dance where the lead must convey the intention of his movement before actually moving. Then his partner tunes in, feels that intent and follows it as the lead just begins the move. It's requires being tuned in. Life is that way. Life is meant to be a beautiful dance, a highly tuned melody with all of creation playing it's part. We can tune into that melody, that dance when we learn how to center, how to master our mind, how to become one with our authentic rhythm and flow and stand, move, Be in our Empowerment.
Remember to Hold the Vision ~ Trust the Process. You can begin Now.
Alaya Ketani CHT CFT CPC, Four Branches of Hypnotherapy, Neuroscience, Somatic Trauma Release, Nervous System Regulation, HeartMath Biofeedback and More. Three Southern Oregon Offices. Also Founder/Chair of Keeping Ashland Women Safe Task Force K.A.W.S. Listen to my weekly radio show on KSKQ Wednesdays 10:30am 89.5 "Empower Your Life." (Ask for the special summer rates when you mention this post.)
Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.