The Journey to Our Authentic Self with Hypnotherapy

Each of us experiences the journey back to ourselves in different ways.  However one thing is certain, and that is we all have layers of instruction and demonstration about who and why we "should" be in our life.  We learn mechanisms to protect, to gain what we feel we need and want, to be accepted, even loved, to not be alone, and to survive.  We engage these layers of programming in different settings, mostly unconsciously although we may feel that we've intentionally chosen them.  

Addressing The Unconscious Programming

Our life's lessons seem to arise repeatedly.  There are themes.  And the one that is underneath them all is the trust in the who and what we truly are beneath all the programmed behaviors and perceptions.  When we truly begin to discern our intuition and honor it, we begin to feel a sense of our true self.  And when we pause in our day and ask our self how we want to respond to something right here and now, rather than how it always has been, then we begin to know our self.  We may find the same theme in different settings, and each time we encounter it we begin to recognize how we see our self now, and how we might respond differently - if we've recognized the unconscious patterns and programming leading us.

When we find the courage to move on from relationships that are no longer serving our health and happiness, when we've learned the lessons there, then we begin to discover our self in the here and now.  We are all on this adventure of turning and returning, never knowing the number of moments that we'll have and hoping the suffering will be less than the peace.  

The Opportunity of Hypnotherapy in Ashland and Medford in the Rogue Valley

When working with me, a skilled Hypnotherapist and Guide with 40+ years expertise, whether in office here or globally virtually, you can gain clarity as to your unconscious patterns, and rewrite the scripts that are controlling you and your life.  You may choose to see and tell a different story, suddenly recognize that a friend or situation is showing us aspects of our self that you didn't see before, and have the opportunity to heal trauma with the wise, centered self that you truly are right here and right now - your Authentic True Self. Then life begins to reveal a greater feeling of freedom, choice, intention, and direction with Peace because you are being true to the you were designed to be instead of be.

Special Virtual Offer

Join this special peer group and explore your true self, your way, your truth together with others.  
Discover your Authentic Self in a safe, confidential container of peers.
For more information and to register:

Access The Full Power Of Your Mind.

Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.