In my work with clients I have found that I can help you with most every challenge, with one requirement. You must have Hope. You must hold an openness and expectation for the change and the healing that you need. I know that All Things Are Possible. There is Unlimited Potential. All that’s need is that silent prayer, that glimmer of Hope in your Heart. And then we can proceed to create the change and reveal the miracles that you need.
What’s your Hope for today, and perhaps tomorrow? Hope is defined as a desire, wish, and dream, a longing. Even a glimmer of Hope in difficult circumstances can result in positive expectation and outcome. It’s like a silent prayer in one’s heart. When it becomes a Belief, it has more dynamic energy. Belief is an attitude, ideal, faith, and act of positive presuming.
It takes courage to reach out for help when one is experiencing a challenge. The act of reaching out is a sign that some part of your being has hope, even a small hope that change, that healing can occur. You need not be without doubt. A positive expectation that is open and receiving of what is possible is needed. Just a glimmer of Hope will activate the forces of Good for us.
I have experienced circumstances in which complications and difficulties seemed to be increasing instead of clearing. Being in a massive flood and running from a thirty-foot wave of water and debris, I was injured. My home was unreachable in this natural disaster. I only had the clothes on my back and nothing more. I had nowhere to live in a city where I had just arrived and knew no one. There were bidding wars on rooms for rent, and I was feeling as though my body would soon collapse. I rented a room in a house that I had passed up the first time visiting; my intuition told me it wasn’t the right place. However I had nowhere to go, so I moved in.
Soon thereafter my intuition was proved correct. My body did collapse and I was experiencing tremendous trauma. Therenter in the room next to mine was violent, and the other housemate was a bully, and the homeowner didn’t care. I was weakened, vulnerable, in pain, afraid, and alone in a very unsupportive environment… again. This was not the first time I was in catastrophic trouble. Friends back home and agencies I contacted for help believed it to be a hopeless situation.
And yet, I held on to Hope. I had come through seemingly hopeless circumstances before more than once, and I knew that there was a way through somehow. The other times things seemed to become more complicated before the way began to clear, and it was the same thing this time. Yet I refused to accept what others were saying. They didn’t really know me, the power of the mind and the truth about how this life is designed to be for us no matter what appears.
It required a tremendous amount of courage of me, a commitment and belief that this too would resolve somehow. Several shaky yet determined internal and external action steps later; I was ready to return home. It was two years before I was well enough and in supportive enough circumstances to prepare for the journey. And I returned, to restart and to thrive once again. There are alot more potent details to this story than written here, which you can read in my upcoming memoir.
I understand what it takes to come through challenge to thrive. In my work with clients I have found that I can help you with most every challenge, with one requirement. You must have Hope. You must hold an openness and expectation for the change and the healing that you need. I know that All Things Are Possible. There is Unlimited Potential. All that’s need is that silent prayer, that glimmer of Hope in your Heart. And then we can proceed to create the change and reveal the miracles that you need.
Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.