We Are Meant To Be The Master Of Our Mind

As a teenager I had a horse.  His name was George.  Now I loved George, but he was very dumb and stubborn.  He would run straight toward a cliff or up  the face of a mountain.  He would not respond to my attempts to stop or redirect him.  

I found that I had to stand up, lean forward, and grab the bit in his mouth.  Then pull to stop him or turn him right there at the source.  

Master Intrusive Thoughts With Hypnosis In The Rogue Valley

People often come to me desiring help with intrusive thoughts.  There an estimated 60,000 + thoughts per day, many of which are fearful, doubting, and even critical.

We are designed to be the master, not to be abused by our reckless and often obsessive thoughts.  We are to redirect our attention, our focus, and intentionally feed appropriate knowledge to our mind.  We must speak with the realization of the great power in our words.  These practices will clear chaos, confusion, stress, and overwhelm with consistent practise and our session work together.  

It is essential to understand that our imagination is designed to create, but not worst case scenarios and scary what it's.  It is designed to create what we need, and more.

Seeing Clients In Ashland And Now Also Grants Pass

I teach these skills to my clients in my Ashland and Grants Pass offices.  We  create new patterns and habits through the subconscious using five forms of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, neuroscience, and trauma release.

So if you know someone who is talking about how their thoughts are intrusive, filled with doubt, fear, or confusion send them to me.  Peace is here.  Free consult can be scheduled on my website for all clients globally online and in office in Ashland and now Grants Pass.

Access The Full Power Of Your Mind.

Accessing the full power of your mind is like turning on the lights of a dark room, and finding that you hold unlimited possibilities. Much is revealed, you have clear direction and regain control, with valuable skills for a lifetime.